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How to Write an eBook in Word

Writing an ebook is a great way to share your ideas online either for profit or as a way to promote another existing product or business.

    Step 1
    Write an ebook - Page setup
    Write an ebook - Page setup  
    Open a new Word document. Click 'File' and 'Page Setup'. A pop up such as the one in the picture here will come up. This shows the settings I personally use.
    Step 2
    Write an ebook -  Heading 1 tag 
    Write an ebook - Heading 1 tag circled  
    'Pre-load' your document with your chapter titles. Use the 'Header 1' tag in the font style drop down list. Center your titles.
    Step 3
    Write an ebook - Page break circled
    Write an ebook - Page break circled  
    Hit enter key after typing in each chapter title. Now, insert page break. Click 'Insert', choose 'break' and then select 'page break' in the pop up window and click 'okay'. This ensures each chapter begins on a new page and helps you stay in order.
    Step 4
    Write an ebook - Heading 2 style
    Write an ebook - Heading 2 style  
    Go back to each chapter page and insert your sub-chapters using the 'heading 2' font style selection. You can adjust the font size, color, etc if you like. Word will remember this choice in the list for next time. I bold and make them one font size larger than the regular text. Centering or leaving to the left is personal preference.
    Step 5
    Repeat step 4 with Heading 3 styles if you have further major points in your outline.
    Step 6
    Go back through your book and insert the information (text) you wish to write in your new ebook.
    Step 7
    Be sure to have the spell check on. Word will check your spelling and grammar. Make use of this feature! Improper spelling will be underlined in red. Poor grammar will be underlined in green. Right click to be able to choose one of Word's suggested corrections.
    Step 8
    Write an ebook - table of contents 1
    Write an ebook - table of contents 1  
    If you'd like to have a table of contents, go to either the beginning or the end of your document and click 'Insert' then 'References' then 'Index and Tables'.
    Step 9
    Write an ebook - table of contents 2
    Write an ebook - table of contents 2  
    Choose 'Table of Contents' in the window that pops up. Fill out the form to fit your preferences and click 'okay'. This will only work if you've used the header tags as suggested.
    Step 10
    Write an ebook - Insert Pictures
    Write an ebook - Insert Pictures  
    Go through your ebook and add photos, graphics and screen captures if you like. Do make sure any photos and graphics you use are LEGAL for you to use in an ebook. Go to 'Insert' then 'Picture' then 'from file'. They must be images you have earlier saved to your computer. You can resize them by clicking once and then dragging in or out at the corners.
    Step 11
    Save your file AGAIN. (you should be saving OFTEN as you go along)
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